What is a mindful leader?

What is a mindful leader?

There’s so much talk about mindfulness and personal growth that it often feels like there’s too much talk–but not about what that mindfulness actually looks like and how to be more mindful at work. Leaders aren’t necessarily CEOs or department heads. They’re...
What is your responsibility as a leader?

What is your responsibility as a leader?

Leadership is so much more than telling your team the vision of your organization or tasking them with completing the work that moves you in the right direction. But that hasn’t always been the case. Not so long ago, the formal construct of leader was a title that...
Making the Most of Your Time

Making the Most of Your Time

5 Tips to Cultivate an Intentional Mindset Our collective emphasis on productivity and efficiency in the workplace has a dark side. It shows up in part as “time pressure,” or the sense of feeling ever more rushed to complete tasks. When we experience time pressure as...
5 Top Benefits of Work-related Coaching

5 Top Benefits of Work-related Coaching

If you operate a business, then you probably think that your bottom line is your bottom line.  It is all about bringing in the profits.  It is all about delighting your customers so they will return and tell all their friends (which today may include thousands of...